Top 5 Reasons Why Being A Lefty is Cool
Happy Lefthanders Day! Being left-handed has been and possibly still considered a bad thing in some parts of the world, but as a lefty, I’m here to prove that there’s no shame in being a minority in a right-hand world. So to my righties reading, leave your superiority at the door.
Again. Happy Lefties Day!
Did You Know that only about 10% of the world population are lefties?
That’s right! There’s now a holiday dedicated to fellow lefties such as myself. In celebration of what’s left of today, I wanted to educate everyone on some cold facts about lefties.
1. For centuries being left-handed was considered signs of rebellion and cruelty
Unfortunately, the myth spread due to the bias of the Church, who believed Left as sinister. Evidently, according to the bible, the right hand / right side of a person symbolized Great Honor. In ancient times, particularly in Western Civilization, they valued the right hand more since it was the symbol of strength, and at that time, soldiers were often carrying their swords with their right hand. They even considered Left as the embodiment of darkness, weakness, and femininity. In the Middle Ages, lefties were accused of witchcraft, and also as recently as the 20th century, left-handed students were forced to learn to use their right hand. Strangely enough, despite being the symbol of “evil,” there’s proof that left-handed individuals were using their dominant hand through pure intentions.
2. Men are more likely to be left-handed and earn more than women.
According to one study, men are more prone to be lefties than women. The reason behind this is still unknown. Plenty of scientists are between too many theories, such as a combination of genetics and environmental factors. Hopefully, we’ll find the actual answer to that question soon. Luckily, they earn 21% more than their right-handed co-workers, so that’s a compromise.
3. Lefties are better at math
According to a 2007 study, lefties are proven to problem-solve slightly better than righties since left-handedness is associated with the right side of the brain.
The right hemisphere is where abstract thoughts, creativity, and spatial reasoning formed. So it makes perfect sense why the students in the study scored between 5–10% better than their right-handed counterparts.
4. There’s both a town and a store named after the left
The town is located in West Virginia, but sadly the town isn’t named after the left-handed community. It’s named after the nearby Lefthand Run creek.
At least the store is named after the community, Lefty’s is based in San Fransico, but they have a website for those who are looking for some left-hand scissors, I guess?
5. Some animals are lefties
Dogs count for 50% of them being left-pawed, as found by Dr. Janice Lloyd in her recent study.
Dr. Llyod also found that Kangaroos and wallabies are exclusively left-handed.
Weirdly, some cats are even left-handed!
Humans are not the only beings who are left or right-handed.
Bonus Fact:
And Finally! The majority of us are also artistic, whether its musically, drawing, painting, pottery, cooking, etc. Below are among many who are honorary members of the lefties club!
Overall, I hope you enjoy what’s left of this day and these facts. Write soon!