The 7 Women of Modern Society

Shining a particular emphasis of female archetypes

5 min readAug 26, 2021

It started with a Tweet.

I was scrolling through Twitter when I came across a post about common tropes of women in media. It received an overwhelming mixed response and I realized that this was an opportunity to be creative and write more about women’s issues. I wanted to educate people on how women are portrayed in media, and how we can change it to a better image of women in the world. So that is what inspired me to start this.

After that I spend the next few hours researching on female characters and common characteristics or their “archetypes”.

What are the archetypes?

When I talk about archetypes, I mean as far as character types.

They are the characters who embody a central idea or value. They represent a unique skill set among a group of individuals.

They were first viewed by fame psychologist, Carl Jung. He considers archetypes as “collective unconscious” which act as a shadow lurking over your individual psyche greatly influencing both your actions and reactions.

I came across this flowchart by Seth Mlawski of, where he shows a great visual representation of some common female troupes in media.

What do they all have in common?

As described by founder, Ayesha K. Faines;

Every woman processes 7 kinds of feminine energy.

The Mother

The Maiden

The Queen

The Huntress

The Wise woman

The Mystic

The Lover

Some are working in their profession today, others are historical figures. But each of these 7 types left her own legacy. Whether it was to seduce their way or start their own company, they each accomplished various feats that would make most men’s mouths water.

Let’s take a look at how they did ,who they did, and what life has been like for these 7 by diving deeper into what each archetype is about.

  1. The Lover

As the oldest of the 7, this type is associated with a woman’s desire for connection and creation. Women under this archetype typically inspire deep communication, intimacy, and sensuality. She can charm the pants off any man in the room with just one look. They are the seductress.

The only downsides of this type are their tendency to be vain, lack of focus, and/or low self-esteem due to people only praising their looks instead of what’s on the inside.

2. The Maiden

Four words. Every Teenage Girl Ever.

What I mean is this archetype is a transitional phrase during every girl’s life between outgrowing childhood and entering womanhood. She doesn’t have a definite identity yet but still retains a youthful innocence about her. The best way to describe this type is her ability to empathize with others.

The downsides towards these types are their co-dependency on others especially since they tend to attract bad-boy types. So be wary of who your daughter brings to dinner.

3. The Mother

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Another name for this one is the Caretaker. She represents a woman’s natural maternal instinct. Unlike “The Lover”, they don’t use sex as a means instead idolizes the life of motherhood. She is characterized as protective, responsible, and always puts others ahead of herself.

The downsides of these types are their stubbornness, their inability to let their children go, and the ability to be self-neglect.

4. The Queen

This archetype is characterized as being loyal, regal, and knows when to take charge. She represents a woman’s yearning to become a wife (as described in definition). Another name for them is Queen B. She lives for being on top of the social chain but can’t live without her subjects.

Ex-wife and Former Queen, Catherine of Aragon

The downside of this type is their jealousy and vindictiveness. They can feel envy towards any other woman who threatens her reign.

Queen Catherine (Burgundy) and Anne Boleyn (Navy)

5. The Huntress

Young Justice’s Artemis

Ok, not this Artemis (thou she’s badass too!)

I’m referring to another we are more familiar with.

Artemis; Goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, wild animals, the moon and chastity.

Yes, both have amazing archery skills. Unfortunately, one is a cartoon superhero while the other is from Greek mythology. I will say they both represent the spirit of independence well.

Traditionally, the Huntress is an alpha female, however, her main objectives are pursuing her life goals and maintaining her independence. Her strength comes from her precise focus on the goals she sets like with a bow, she aims her arrows towards the center target. Others may describe her as courageous, self-resilient, competency, and passionate. Huntress similar to Mothers are protectors. Mothers protect their young and Huntress protect her fellow women. Unlike the other archetypes, she doesn’t necessarily need a man nor does men dictate her life. She has her own opinions, values, and knows her self-worth.

1st Black Super Star, Josephine Baker

The only downside is people may view the Huntress as aloof, unapproachable, anti-social, and some may even say cruel.

6. The Wise Woman

Harry Potter’s Hermione Granger

The Wise Woman or “Sage” is the representation of worldly knowledge, strategy, and objectivity. She encourages women’s discipline, knowledge, and being goal-orientated.

Sage is described as practical, competent, and competitive. She’s often influenced by either a paternal figure or an older sage. As they get older, they are best suited in a career with a cooperate setting. Romantically, She tends to attract powerful men. Sadly, she doesn’t always do well forming female friendships.

The other downside is basically the same as The Huntress aka aloofness and emotional instability.

7. The Mystic

The Mystic is the last of the bunch. Out of all 7, this type is the least represented due to their introverted and spiritual nature. She represents balance and inner peace. Mystics enjoys being independent and working on their selves. She lives in the present.

Famed Artist, Frida Kahlo

She is the one you want go to when you need someone to talk to. Not one to judge in fact they appear almost detached to emotions. Instead preferring to keep a cool head at all times.

Black American Actress, Lisa Bonet

Her weaknesses are aloofness and the inability to be in control especially her emotions.

No matter which archetype you personally identify with, all have both their strengths and flaws. Most importantly, these archetype brings up the complex views of what an ideal woman should be. Instead we should ask what a woman can be. Yes, this rant started with one simple tweet but it sparked complex questions regards to how we view womanhood in today’s climate.




Written by KianaT

Hi! I’m someone who loves to read and write about interesting trendy topics. Check out my socials via

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