31 Things About August

3 min readAug 24, 2023

Sure, here are 31 interesting things about the month of August

  1. August is the eighth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.
  2. It was originally named Sextilis in the ancient Roman calendar, as it was the sixth month at the time.
  3. The month was later renamed to August in honor of Augustus Caesar, the first Roman emperor.
  1. August has 31 days and falls between July and September.
  2. The birthstone for August is the peridot, which is a light green gemstone.
  3. The zodiac signs for August are Leo (July 23 — August 22) and Virgo (August 23 — September 22).
  4. August is typically associated with the height of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
  5. In the Southern Hemisphere, August is the last full month of winter.
  6. On August 1st, the Celtic festival of Lughnasadh, also known as Lammas, is celebrated.
  7. August is often a popular month for vacations and travel.
  8. The United States celebrates National Aviation Day on August 19th in honor of Orville Wright’s birthday.
  9. August 9th is known as the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples.
  10. The Perseid meteor shower, one of the most famous meteor showers, usually occurs in August.
  11. August 15th is a public holiday in many countries, celebrating the Assumption of Mary.
  12. In Japan, August 6th is observed as the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony.
  13. August 19th is World Humanitarian Day, dedicated to honoring humanitarian efforts worldwide.
  14. The ancient Olympic Games, held in Olympia, Greece, were originally celebrated in August.
  15. On August 24th, Ukraine celebrates its Independence Day.
  16. India celebrates its Independence Day on August 15th.
  17. Singapore’s National Day is on August 9th.
  18. The famous “Woodstock” music festival began on August 15, 1969.
  19. The city of Rome was traditionally founded on April 21st, but it also celebrates its founding on August 21st during the festival of “Natale di Roma.”
  20. The first Monday in August is celebrated as Civic Holiday in some parts of Canada.
  21. August was named “National Peach Month” in the United States by Ronald Reagan in 1982.
  22. On the 6th of 1762, the first sandwich ever was created in response to an English earl named John Montagu who was in the middle of a gambling game requesting a quick meal.
  23. The Old Farmer’s Almanac refers to August’s full moon as the “Sturgeon Moon.”
  24. The month of August is known for its hot weather in many parts of the world.
  25. August is considered the peak of hurricane season in the Atlantic and Pacific regions.
  26. The Leo astrological sign is symbolized by the lion.
  27. The Virgo is one of the few astrological signs whose symbol is not of an animal but the Maiden.
  28. August is the only month that can start and end on the same day of the week as November.
  29. The famous “Edinburgh Festival Fringe” arts festival usually takes place in August.
  30. August is a month of transition, marking the end of summer and the approach of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere.
  31. In Sweden, it's not uncommon for boys to be named August.

These are just some of the many fascinating aspects and events associated with the month of August. It is a time of festivals, celebrations, and natural phenomena that continue to intrigue and captivate people around the world.




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